Facebook’s New Update Lends Out A Helping Hand To Small Businesses

August 14, 2018

Back in the day, Facebook was a groundbreaking platform for small businesses. It was (and still is) the perfect place for businesses to market to the 1.6 billion users who are online to connect with small companies. The best part, it’s FREE.

Well, mostly free. Like any business, Facebook discovered a way to make money. By selling the real estate on user’s newsfeeds to willing bidders, Facebook’s organic marketing slowly started to disappear. If you weren’t going to pay to play, you’d be lucky if your posts would be seen by 25% of your followers.

Ads and algorithms were now the enemies, and it paid off to be strategic to reach your customers. However, if a business lacked a marketing budget, they most likely felt a hit.

But, cheer up. Ignore the fact that I’ve painted a dark and depressing marketing image because I’m happy to shed some light that it appears Facebook’s new business update is focusing on small businesses. I mean, 80 million businesses use Facebook so it’s about time.

So what updates can you expect?




Via Facebook

I’m sure you’ve seen that users can ask for a Recommendation on Facebook. You know, something like “Can anyone tell me the best yoga studio in town?”

Well, in Facebook’s new update users can now post Recommendations that include text, images, and tags directly on your page. You might be thinking, well how is this different from reviews? The difference is that posts can only be 25 characters long to make your reviews more meaningful.

The key here is that Recommendations now include tags which help sort out your business for search purposes and help clarify what your business is known to sell. It will also help make sure your business is populated for future friend’s posts about Recommendations they may want to offer.

Lastly, Recommendations act as a live testimonial posted by your loyal followers for all future customers to see. Reputation is important, and Facebook is giving small businesses another avenue to reach prospects.

I can tell you that I already know a lot of my clients are going to love this specific update.

**Oh, and if you’re worried about fraud or spam from fake reviews or false keywords, Facebook has also built in the option for you to be able to report content in Recommendations that are “fraudulent, spam or paid for by your competitors.” 



Via Facebook


We live in the era of a ‘1-click’ immediate gratification society. If we can’t have it quick and easy, we give up and close out of a tab. Facebook is on to this.

With the new business page update, Facebook is making it easier than ever for users to take immediate action. How?

By creating an easier call-to-action on your Facebook page. If you want to order a pizza, you can do it on Facebook. Need to book a hair appointment? You can do it on Facebook.

This new update not only simplifies the sales process, but it encourages users to convert as soon as they land on your page.




A ton of businesses and users rely heavily on the events portion of Facebook. Let’s be honest, Facebook keeps me in tune with what’s happening around me, whether I want the notification or not.

That said, every month, 700 million consumers use Events when looking for something to do in their neighborhoods.

Because of this, Facebook Events has been updated to simplify ticket sales. A new ticket integration is available that will allow businesses to sell tickets directly on Facebook. Not to mention pairing this with an Event Ad will likely increase attendance.




If you’re like me, you like to look up menus before heading to a restaurant. And when you’re hungry, nothing is worse than having to hop around from Google to Yelp to a website to see if you’re interested in even eating their food.

With the new Facebook update, they’re making it a one-stop-shop for users needing information about a business.

Basically, Facebook is ripping off Yelp and now showcasing businesses hours, price range, menus, etc. Not to mention when they’ve stumbled upon your page looking for information, they’re now able to see your posts, events, and offers you may have running.




I’ve said this as long as Snapchat and Instagram stories have existed, but users like to be in the know, especially with real-time updates.  Most of the time people follow your business because they’re loyal to you and want the behind the scenes look.

Now businesses can use the story feature on Facebook to take their relationship with their followers one step further. If you have a new offer, promotion or event coming down the pipeline, tell your followers first.

And remember those nasty algorithms that hide your content? Stories are a perfect way for you to live at the top of your user’s newsfeed.

All in all, these updates are a great way for small businesses to be able to reach their followers.

It’s created new avenues to engage and build relationships with customers and the update is serving the need for customers to make fast and efficient purchases and bookings all from your Facebook page.

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