But in all seriousness, whether you’ve been married for several years or been in a long-term relationship, you eventually come to a “silent” understanding of the rules in your household. Maybe they’ve never been spoken out loud, but subtle hints like eye rolls, long sighs or even conceding giggles can confirm you both know how to meet the expectations of your significant other.
And if you don’t, let me just give you a preview of what goes down in my house.
1. To Believe, Or Not To Believe My “Getting Ready Timeline”
Okay, first of all, I try really hard to be ready on time for whatever event we might be going to. Flashback to me sitting on the floor in my towel after showering scrolling on Instagram. Wait, what?
Fine. Maybe I’m usually 5 minutes late. Regardless, I’m lucky that my husband, Marc, patiently has a glass of scotch while I finish up. Plus, I’m always great at telling him my “Getting Ready Timeline.” You know, if I am finishing my hair, I give him a heads up to call the Uber in 5 minutes.
THE UNSPOKEN RULE: He knows to call it in 15.
2. Deciding On Dinner
There are thousands of memes out there that make fun of just this. Yes, yes, it’s always a battle when you’re in a relationship deciding where to eat. In my house, my husband tends to tell me he is fine eating anything, even just “tortillas and barbecue sauce.” His words, not mine.
That said, it still becomes a long drawn out effort until I finally come to the table with two to three suggestions. You know, maybe sushi, a local Italian joint or throw in a pub to make him happy. At first, he thought he had a say.
THE UNSPOKEN RULE: My first option is usually the best option. A.k.a., I said it first because that’s what I REALLY wanted all along. (I live for the drama, okay?)
3. Late Night Food
I’ve never been big on eating after the bars, especially because it makes me feel like a cow in the morning. However, there will come a time where I absolutely NEED pizza if I want to survive the next day. Or my friends convinced me I needed the pizza.
THE UNSPOKEN RULE: My husband knows this isn’t true. He actually knows that I will regret it the next day.
So, what does he do? He “pretends” to call a delivery service and just hopes I will go to sleep. This typically works, but I bet all of you know what happened the time I noticed his phone lit up and he wasn’t actually on the phone.
He laughed in my face, that’s what happened.
4. Winners Earn Movie Rights
My husband and I are competitive, and we love games. Whether it’s dominating one another in Mario Kart, playing pool, maybe a few rounds of Trivial Pursuit or just a conversation on who “knows” more facts than the other, we tend to wager bets on all of the above.
I wish I could say that the winner paid for drinks or dinner, but that is useless when you already share money.
THE UNSPOKEN RULE: A rare currency in marriage – movie rights. We always know whoever wins gets to add a movie choice to their tab.
5. Personal Photographer
We live in the age of all things basic. And any woman under the age of 40 knows that it’s important to capture the perfect moment. Whether it’s out with her friends, traveling or at an evening gala. Trust me, the picture is all that matters. Who lives in the moment, anyway?
Now you could go out and buy a selfie stick or ask a random stranger to take the photo, but I’m sure you know where this is going…
THE UNSPOKEN RULE: Once you get married, you get an #InstaHusband – a dedicated personal photographer to capture all your beautiful moments. I wish I could say the same about Marc.
Remember those subtle hints, such as an “eye roll” I told you about? That’s where this comes into play.
6. You Morph Into Each Other
Six years ago, I wasn’t big into eating steak or bacon, but now that’s a regular at my house.
Ah, so, this is why people gain weight when they get married?
On the flip side, Marc now eats shrimp and we’re slowly getting him into more seafood options. Not to mention he loves sandwiches now.
Food aside, it’s not uncommon to take on the traits and some interests of your significant other. I now watch WAY more football than I could have ever imagined, but after six years of it, I proudly wear my Cowboys attire on Sundays.
As for Marc, he now turns on HGTV or Food Network without being asked.
THE UNSPOKEN RULE: When you’ve been with someone for a long time, it’s okay to take interest in their hobbies. It can make your relationship stronger, and not to mention, that much more fun.