She told me that I would have to learn to mourn my old life to be able to accept my new normal.
September 22, 2020
September 22, 2020
She told me that I would have to learn to mourn my old life to be able to accept my new normal.
March 23, 2020
I have known for a few months that my delivery wouldn’t be how I expected. I was diagnosed with a complete placenta previa (CPP) in November, and after a scary bleed and trip to the hospital at 28 weeks, I’ve been on moderate bed rest. I had accepted that the only way for our sweet boy to enter this world would be by a cesarean, and that was fine. The doctors have told me multiple times the risks I face...
November 20, 2019
At 27-years-old I was diagnosed with a vestibular disorder, and while that was life-changing enough, it put my plans for pregnancy on hold. So many women in my vestibular migraine groups had talked about how they were diagnosed with VM during or after their pregnancy, and if they already had VM it was HORRIBLE during those long 9 months. The last thing I wanted to do was take this brand-new chronic condition I had just been experiencing and mix it...
January 23, 2019
As an ambassador for VEDA, I receive a lot of emails from other vestibular disorder sufferers about my diet, fitness, and how I live a normal life. Unfortunately, experiencing the beginnings of a vestibular diagnosis tends to take most of us down the same dark road. It’s easy to lose hope and hard for a lot of us to imagine our “new normal” aside from being a prisoner of your house. So many people, like me, find themselves in the...
August 22, 2018
If you have a chronic invisible illness, you know all too well that it’s easy for your friends and family to forget that you’re battling a disease each day. Heck, if you’re like me, you don’t even mention your daily symptoms anymore because what’s the point? Unless I’m needing to drive somewhere or am expected to go out for a birthday at the club, I don’t bore my inner circle with my tales of dizziness. However, while I’ve come a...
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