Content Marketing


4 Essential Marketing Tactics For Small Businesses

If you own a small business and want to get people through the door, it’s a no brainer that you will need to invest in a little bit of marketing. Sure, small businesses might not have the budgets that large corporations do, but according to the U.S. Small Business Administration, you should be spending 7 to 8 percent of your gross revenue on marketing and advertising.   So, where do you even start and how can you get the most...

Facebook’s New Update Lends Out A Helping Hand To Small Businesses

Back in the day, Facebook was a groundbreaking platform for small businesses. It was (and still is) the perfect place for businesses to market to the 1.6 billion users who are online to connect with small companies. The best part, it’s FREE. Well, mostly free. Like any business, Facebook discovered a way to make money. By selling the real estate on user’s newsfeeds to willing bidders, Facebook’s organic marketing slowly started to disappear. If you weren’t going to pay to...

Social Media Marketing Myths: 5 Ways To Tweak Your Strategy

Surging since the early 2000s, it comes as no surprise that today’s society knows a thing or two about social media. The truth is most people (young and old) know how to create their own personal page and interact with friends. That stuff is simple. However, “liking” and “commenting” on your friend’s photos doesn’t necessarily make you an expert in social media marketing, but that’s perfectly okay! Your job is to be the expert about your business or industry. Sure,...

Is Snapchat Thriving or Self-Destructing?

If you have taken an interest in social media news, you’ve heard Snapchat being slammed the past few months in regard to its updated design and filters. I mean, Kylie Jenner made one comment in February on Twitter asking if anyone uses the platform, and the stock lost close to $1 billion in market value. Sure, that’s probably because a large percentage of Snapchat users enjoy watching what she had to eat that day, or her notorious selfie videos of...

5 Reasons Why Businesses Need To Be Active On Social Media

It’s 2017, so the fact I am telling you your business needs to be on social media isn’t a surprise. I mean, social media is free, which is why 81% of small businesses are using it to some extent. However, there is still that 19% that hasn’t jumped on the bandwagon of free marketing. Why? Well, maybe they don’t have a budget, or possibly own a mom and pop shop that has seen proven sales efforts through traditional word of...