Small Business


6 Reasons Why Your Social Ads Aren’t Converting

Nowadays if you want your content to be seen on social media, you are forced to pay-to-play. Having organic content scheduled weekly is still a must, but if you have an offering that you want to send out to the masses, you’ll find that creating an advertisement will increase website and foot traffic. But what if it doesn’t? You’ve created what seems like a great ad to you, but are lacking on engagement, and worse – conversions. 1. What’s Your...

Grow And Build Trust With Your Social Media Tribe In 2019

Every year bloggers and social media experts put out a long list of social media trends that are going to pave the way. Not surprisingly, a focus on video and paid advertising have made the list for 2019, but honestly, this isn’t new because social media experts been seeing this for a few years. However, what comes as more of a surprise to me is that there is a thirst from consumers to trust brands online again. I’m sure you’re...

Facebook’s New Update Lends Out A Helping Hand To Small Businesses

Back in the day, Facebook was a groundbreaking platform for small businesses. It was (and still is) the perfect place for businesses to market to the 1.6 billion users who are online to connect with small companies. The best part, it’s FREE. Well, mostly free. Like any business, Facebook discovered a way to make money. By selling the real estate on user’s newsfeeds to willing bidders, Facebook’s organic marketing slowly started to disappear. If you weren’t going to pay to...